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Polynomial Methods

The Polynomial type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAdd(Double, Polynomial) Adds a polynomial and a scalar.
Public methodStatic memberAdd(Polynomial, Polynomial) Adds two polynomials.
Public methodStatic memberAdd(Polynomial, Double) Adds a polynomial and a scalar.
Public methodAntiDerivative Returns the anti-derivative (indefinite integral) of this polynomial.
Public methodClone Creates a deep copy of this polynomial.
(Overrides OneVariableFunctionClone)
Public methodDerivative Returns the first derivative of this polynomial.
Public methodDifferentiate Computes the numerical derivative of the current function at the given x-value.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction)
Public methodStatic memberDivide Divides a polynomial by a scalar.
Public methodEquals Tests for equality of this polynomial and another polynomial. Two polynomials are equal if their coefficient vectors have the same dimensions and all values are equal.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object))
Public methodEvaluate(Double) Evaluates the current function at the given x-value.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction)
Public methodEvaluate(DoubleVector) Evaluates the current function at the given set of x-values.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction)
Public methodEvaluate(OneVariableFunction) Creates a composite function.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction)
Public methodEvaluateComplex Evaluates the current function at the given complex x-value.
Protected methodEvaluatePoly Evaluates the current function at the given x-value.
Public methodGetHashCode Returns an integer hash code for this polynomial.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode)
Public methodGetObjectData Implemented as part of the ISerializable interface. Serializes self to a stream.
Public methodIntegrate Computes the integral of the current function over the specified interval.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction)
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(Double, Polynomial) Multiplies a polynomial and a scalar.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(Polynomial, Polynomial) Multiplies two polynomials.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(Polynomial, Double) Multiplies a scalar and a polynomial.
Public methodStatic memberNegate Negates a polynomial.
Public methodStatic memberPolynomialDivide Divides two polynomials to yield quotient and remainder Polynomials.
Public methodReduce Removes trailing zeros from the coefficient vector.
Public methodStatic memberSubtract(Double, Polynomial) Subtracts a polynomial from a scalar.
Public methodStatic memberSubtract(Polynomial, Polynomial) Subtracts a polynomial from a polynomial.
Public methodStatic memberSubtract(Polynomial, Double) Subtracts a scalar from a polynomial.
Public methodCode exampleToString Returns a formatted string representation of this polynomial.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Public methodCode exampleToString(String) Returns a formatted string representation of this polynomial using specified numeric format.
See Also