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PLS1NipalsAlgorithm Methods

The PLS1NipalsAlgorithm type exposes the following members.

Public methodCalculate Calculates a partial least squares from the given data and number of components.
(Overrides IPLS1CalcCalculate(DoubleMatrix, DoubleVector, Int32))
Public methodClone Creates a deep copy of this PLS1NipalsAlgorithm.
(Overrides IPLS1CalcClone)
Public methodHotellingsT2 Calculaties Hotelling's T2 statistic for each sample. T2 can be viewed as the squared distance from a samples projection into the subspace to the centroid of the subspace, or, more simply, the variation of the sample point within the model.
(Inherited from IPLS1Calc)
Public methodOnDeserialized Sets most of the attributes only if isGood_
Public methodOnSerializing Conditionally sets most of the values for serialization only if isGood_
Public methodPredict(DoubleMatrix) Use the calculated model to predict the response values, ResponseVector, from the given set of predictor variables.
(Overrides IPLS1CalcPredict(DoubleMatrix))
Public methodPredict(DoubleVector) Use the calculated model to predict the response value, y, from the given value for the predictor variable.
(Overrides IPLS1CalcPredict(DoubleVector))
Public methodQResiduals Calculates the Q residuals for in sample in the model. The Q residual for a given sample is the distance between the sample and its projection in the subspace of the model.
(Overrides IPLS1CalcQResiduals)
See Also