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FactorAnalysisCovarianceExtraction, Rotation Methods

The FactorAnalysisCovarianceExtraction, Rotation type exposes the following members.

Public methodAnalyze Performs a factor analysis on the given symmetric covariance or correlation matrix for the data being analyzed.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Public methodClone Returns a deep copy of self.
Public methodFactorScoreCoefficients Gets the coefficients by which the variables are multiplied to obtain factor scores. The coefficients are computed using an instance of the class
Public methodFactorScoreCoefficients(IFactorScores) Gets the coefficients by which the variables are multiplied to obtain factor scores.
Public methodFactorScores Gets the matrix of factor scores. The score for a given factor is a linear combination of all of the measures, weighted by the corresponding factor loading. The scores are computed using an instance of the class
Public methodFactorScores(IFactorScores) Gets the matrix of factor scores using the provided algorithm to compute them. The score for a given factor is a linear combination of all of the measures, weighted by the corresponding factor loading.
Protected methodRotate Performs factor rotation using the
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Protected methodSortRotatedFactorsAndLoadings Rotated raw rotated factors and raw sum of squared loadings are sorted by the variable variances of the scaled rotated factors.
(Overrides DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, RotationSortRotatedFactorsAndLoadings(DoubleMatrix))
See Also