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ClusterAnalysis Methods

The ClusterAnalysis type exposes the following members.

Public methodClone Creates a deep copy of this cluster analysis.
Public methodCutTree(Double) Constructs a set of clusters by cutting the hierarchical linkage tree at the specified height.
Public methodCutTree(Int32) Constructs the specified number of clusters from the hierarchical linkage tree.
Protected methodGetDistances Computes the vector of distances between all possible object pairs, using the current distance delegate.
Protected methodGetLinkages Computes the complete hierarchical linkage tree, using the current distance vector and linkage delegate.
Public methodUpdate(DataFrame) Clusters the given data, using the current Distance and Linkage delegates.
Public methodUpdate(DoubleMatrix) Clusters the given data, using the current Distance and Linkage delegates.
Public methodUpdate(DataFrame, DistanceFunction) Clusters the given data, using the given distance delegate and the current linkage delegate.
Public methodUpdate(DataFrame, LinkageFunction) Clusters the given data, using the current distance delegate and the given linkage delegate.
Public methodUpdate(DoubleMatrix, DistanceFunction) Clusters the given data, using the given distance delegate and the current linkage delegate.
Public methodUpdate(DoubleMatrix, LinkageFunction) Clusters the given data, using the current distance delegate and the given linkage delegate.
Public methodUpdate(DataFrame, DistanceFunction, LinkageFunction) Clusters the given data, using the given distance and linkage delegates.
Public methodUpdate(DoubleMatrix, DistanceFunction, LinkageFunction) Clusters the given data, using the given distance and linkage delegates.
See Also