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NMathFunctionsMedian(Double, Boolean) Method

Returns the median of an array of data with the option for preserving or destroying the original input data.

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
public static double Median(
	double[] a,
	bool preserveOriginalOrder


a  Double
An array containing the data.
preserveOriginalOrder  Boolean
If true the data in the input array will not be changed. if false, the data in the input array may be reordered by the algorithm.

Return Value

The median of the data.
If the preserveOriginalOrder parameter is set to true, a copy of the input data will be made before applying the median algorithm, thus preserving the input data in its original order. If preserveOriginalOrder is set to false, no copy of the input data is made before applying the median algorithm and the input data may be reordered by the algorithm.
See Also