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NMathFunctionsCorrelatedRandomInputs(DoubleMatrix, DoubleMatrix) Method

Accepts a set of input varaibles, each stored as a row in a matrix, and constructs a corresponding matrix of input variable values whose Spearmans rank correlation matrix is approximately equal to the specified correlation matrix. The resulting correlated inputs with their marginal distributions intact. InputVariableCorrelator

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
public static DoubleMatrix CorrelatedRandomInputs(
	DoubleMatrix randomInputs,
	DoubleMatrix desiredCorrelations


randomInputs  DoubleMatrix
Inputs to be transformed to correlated inputs with approximately the specified rank correlation matrix. Each row of the matrix represents an input variable value.
desiredCorrelations  DoubleMatrix
A matrix containing the desired rank correlation matrix.

Return Value

A matrix containing the input variable values rearranged so that their rank correlation matrix is approximately equal to the desiredCorrelations
See Also