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TwoWayAnova Fields

The TwoWayAnova type exposes the following members.

Protected fieldanovaTable_ A traditional ANOVA table representation of the results.
Protected fieldcells_ The ANOVA data broken up into cells.
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Protected fieldfactorA_ One of the factors in the ANOVA
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Protected fieldfactorB_ The other factor in the ANOVA.
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Protected fieldfactorParameters_ Stats for the regression parameters corresponding to the two factors.
Protected fieldinteractionParameters_ Stats for the regression parameters corresponding to the interaction between the two factor.
Protected fieldinterceptParameter_ Stats for the regression intercept parameter.
Protected fieldlr_ The linear regression used to compute the ANOVA
Protected fieldlrAnova_ The ANOVA for the linear regression.
Protected fieldobservations_ The observation vector for the regression used to compute the ANVOA.
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Protected fieldparameterSumsOfSquares_ The sums of squares for all the parameters in the regression. These are in the same order as the regression parameters.
Protected fieldregressionMatrix_ The regression matrix used to compute the ANOVA.
See Also