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DualSimplexSolver Properties

The DualSimplexSolver type exposes the following members.

Public propertyExceptionMessage If the solver result is SolverResult.UnexpectedException gets the exception message property.
(Inherited from ConstrainedOptimizer)
Public propertyOptimalObjectiveFunctionValue Gets the optimal objective function value if the solve result is SolverResult.Optimal, or the current solution value if the result is SolverResult.SolutionFeasibleButNotOptimal Otherwise the value is Double.NaN.
(Inherited from ConstrainedOptimizer)
Public propertyOptimalX Gets the optimal value if the solve result is SolverResult.Optimal, or the current solution value if the result is SolverResult.SolutionFeasibleButNotOptimal Contains an empty vector otherwise.
(Inherited from ConstrainedOptimizer)
Public propertyPivotCount Gets the number of simplex pivots performed. Includes both major and minor pivots.
(Inherited from SimplexSolverBase)
Public propertyResult Gets the result of the most recent solve attempt.
(Inherited from ConstrainedOptimizer)
See Also