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TwoWayAnova Methods

The TwoWayAnova type exposes the following members.

Public methodClone Creates a deep copy of this TwoWayAnova.
Protected methodComputeAnova Compute the ANOVA for the given data.
Protected methodComputeFactorSumsOfSquares Fill in the DoubleVector parameterSumsOfSquares_ with the sums of squares for the parameters used in the regression that is used to compute the ANOVA.
Protected methodComputeFactorSumsOfSquares(DoubleMatrix) Fill in the DoubleVector parameterSumsOfSquares_ with the sums of squares for the parameters used in the regression that is used to compute the ANOVA.
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Protected methodComputeFactorSumsOfSquares(LinearRegression, Int32, Int32, Int32) Fill in the DoubleVector parameterSumsOfSquares_ with the sums of squares for the parameters used in the regression that is used to compute the ANOVA.
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Protected methodCreateAnovaTable Create the ANOVA table for this object.
Protected methodFillInRegressionMatrix Fill in the regression matrix that is to be used for computing the ANOVA.
Public methodGetCellData Returns all the data in a cell, as defined by the levels of the two factors in the ANOVA.
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Public methodGetMeanForCell Returns the mean for the specified cell, as defined by the levels of the two factors in the ANOVA.
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Public methodGetMeanForFactorLevel Returns the mean for the specified factor level.
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Public methodGetRegressionFactorParameter Returns the regression parameter associated with the specified factor level.
Protected methodGetRegressionFactorParameters Fills in the array of AnovaRegressionFactorParam objects.
Public methodGetRegressionInteractionParameter Returns the regression parameter associated with the specified interaction.
Protected methodGetRegressionInteractionParameters Fill in the array of AnovaRegressionInteractionParam objects.
Protected methodInterceptParameterSumOfSquares Compte the sum of squares associated with the regression's intercept parameter.
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Protected methodMakeCellData Fills in the cell data for a two way ANOVA from the given data frame and column information.
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Protected methodMakeFactorParameters(Int32) Create the array of AnovaRegressionFactorParam objects, one for each regression dummy variable. The sums of squares for each of these parameters is assumed to have been computed are are stored in the DoubleVector instance variable parameterSumsOfSquares with the parameters for factor A first, followed by the parameters for factor B and starting at the given index.
Protected methodMakeFactorParameters(LinearRegression, DoubleVector, Int32, Factor) Create the array of AnovaRegressionFactorParam objects, one for each regression dummy variable. The sums of squares for each of these parameters is assumed to have been computed are are stored in the DoubleVector instance variable parameterSumsOfSquares with the parameters for factor A first, followed by the parameters for factor B and starting at the given index.
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Protected methodMakeInteractionParameters(Int32) Creates the array of AnovaRegressionInteractionParam objects using the DoubleVector instance variable parameterSumsOfSquares_. The sums of squares for the interaction parameters are assumed to begin at the given index.
Protected methodMakeInteractionParameters(LinearRegression, DoubleVector, Int32) Creates the array of AnovaRegressionInteractionParam objects using the DoubleVector instance variable parameterSumsOfSquares_. The sums of squares for the interaction parameters are assumed to begin at the given index.
(Inherited from TwoWayAnovaBase)
Public methodToString Returns a formatted string representation of a traditional two-way analysis of variance table.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
See Also