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SVDRegressionCalculation Methods

The SVDRegressionCalculation type exposes the following members.

Public methodCalculateParameters(DoubleMatrix, DoubleVector) Calculates the parameters for the regression using a singular value decomposition of the regression matrix to solve the least squares problem.
Public methodCalculateParameters(DoubleMatrix, DoubleVector, Boolean) Calculates the parameters for the regression using a singular value decomposition of the regression matrix to solve the least squares problem.
Public methodClone Creates a deep copy of this regression calculator instance.
Public methodFactor(DoubleMatrix) Factors a given matrix so that it may be used to solve least squares problems.
Public methodFactor(DoubleMatrix, Double) Factors a given matrix so that it may be used to solve least squares problems. The specified tolerance is used in computing the numerical rank of the matrix.
Public methodOnSerializing Checks for soln_ to be null, instantiates if so
Public methodSolve Computes the solution to the least squares problem Ax = b.
See Also