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ReducedVarianceInputCorrelator Methods

The ReducedVarianceInputCorrelator type exposes the following members.

Public methodClone Implementation of the ICloneable interface. Produces a deep copy of self.
(Overrides InputVariableCorrelatorClone)
Protected methodComputeR Computes the score matrix R according to the algorithm.
(Inherited from InputVariableCorrelator)
Protected methodComputeRstar Computes the scores matrix transformed to match the desired correlation matrix. uses a varaince reduction technique in which the transformation matrix is adjusted so that the final sample correlation matrix will be much closer to the desired correlation matrix, especially for correlation values of 0.
(Overrides InputVariableCorrelatorComputeRstar(Int32, Int32, DoubleSymmetricMatrix))
Public methodGetCorrelatedInputs Constructs a matrix containing the input variables values re-ordered so as to have the desried correlations.
(Inherited from InputVariableCorrelator)
Protected methodGetScores Gets the scores contained in each column of the score matrix R in the algorithm.
(Inherited from InputVariableCorrelator)
See Also