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LinearConstrainedProblem Methods

The LinearConstrainedProblem type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddBounds(Int32, Double, Double) Adds upper and lower bound constraints to a variable.
(Inherited from BoundedVariableProblem)
Public methodAddBounds(Int32, Double, Double, Double) Adds upper and lower bound constraints to a variable.
(Inherited from BoundedVariableProblem)
Public methodAddConstraint(LinearConstraint) Adds the given constraint to the problem.
Public methodAddConstraint(DoubleVector, Double, Double) Adds a linear inequality constraint of the form lowerBound <= coefficients'x < upperBound
Public methodAddConstraint(ILinearConstraintCoefficients, Double, Double) Adds a linear inequality constraint of the form lowerBound <= coefficients'x < upperBound
Public methodAddConstraint(DoubleVector, Double, Double, Double) Adds a linear inequality constraint of the form lowerBound <= coefficients'x < upperBound
Public methodAddConstraint(ILinearConstraintCoefficients, Double, Double, Double) Adds a linear inequality constraint of the form lowerBound <= coefficients'x < upperBound
Public methodAddEqualityConstraint(DoubleVector, Double) Adds an equality constraint of the form coefficients'x = rightHandSide
Public methodAddEqualityConstraint(ILinearConstraintCoefficients, Double) Adds an equality constraint of the form coefficients'x = rightHandSide
Public methodAddLowerBound(Int32, Double) Adds an lower bound constraint on the variable at the given index.
(Inherited from BoundedVariableProblem)
Public methodAddLowerBound(Int32, Double, Double) Adds an lower bound constraint on the variable at the given index.
(Inherited from BoundedVariableProblem)
Public methodAddLowerBoundConstraint(DoubleVector, Double) Adds a linear inequality constraint of the form coefficients'x >= lowerBound
Public methodAddLowerBoundConstraint(ILinearConstraintCoefficients, Double) Adds a linear inequality constraint of the form coefficients'x >= lowerBound
Public methodAddLowerBoundConstraint(DoubleVector, Double, Double) Adds a linear inequality constraint of the form coefficients'x >= lowerBound
Public methodAddLowerBoundConstraint(ILinearConstraintCoefficients, Double, Double) Adds a linear inequality constraint of the form coefficients'x >= lowerBound
Public methodAddUpperBound(Int32, Double) Adds an upper bound constraint on the variable at the given index.
(Inherited from BoundedVariableProblem)
Public methodAddUpperBound(Int32, Double, Double) Adds an upper bound constraint on the variable at the given index.
(Inherited from BoundedVariableProblem)
Public methodAddUpperBoundConstraint(DoubleVector, Double) Adds a linear inequality constraint of the form coefficients'x <= upperBound
Public methodAddUpperBoundConstraint(ILinearConstraintCoefficients, Double) Adds a linear inequality constraint of the form coefficients'x <= upperBound
Public methodAddUpperBoundConstraint(DoubleVector, Double, Double) Adds a linear inequality constraint of the form coefficients'x <= upperBound
Public methodAddUpperBoundConstraint(ILinearConstraintCoefficients, Double, Double) Adds a linear inequality constraint of the form coefficients'x <= upperBound
Protected methodCheckVariableIndex Checks that the given variable index is valid.
(Inherited from BoundedVariableProblem)
Public methodEvaluateConstraints Evaluates each of the constraints at the specified point and returns the results.
Public methodPointIsFeasible(DoubleVector) Function for determining the feasibility of a give point. A point x is feasible if it satisfies all the constraints of the problem.
(Overrides BoundedVariableProblemPointIsFeasible(DoubleVector))
Public methodPointIsFeasible(DoubleVector, Double) Function for determining the feasibility of a give point.
(Overrides BoundedVariableProblemPointIsFeasible(DoubleVector, Double))
See Also