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KruskalWallisTest Properties

The KruskalWallisTest type exposes the following members.

Public propertyGrandMeanRank Gets the grand mean rank of the data.
Public propertyGroupMeanRanks Gets a vector of group mean ranks.
Public propertyGroupNames Gets an array of group names.
Public propertyGroupSizes Gets an array of group sizes.
Public propertyIsTieCorrected Returns true if the standard correction for ties was applied in the computation of the test statistic.
Public propertyN Gets the total sample size.
Public propertyPValue Gets the p-value for the test statistic.
Public propertyRanks Gets an array of vectors containing the ranks of the data.
Public propertyStatistic Gets the test statistic.
Public propertyTable Gets a table summarizing the result of the last-performed Kruskal-Wallis test.
See Also