NMath Tutorial

Filtering with Wavelet Transforms

Raw ECG Signal
Discrete time wavelet transforms have found engineering applications in computer vision, pattern recognition, signal filtering and perhaps most widely in signal and image compression. In 2000 the ISO JPEG committee proposed a new JPEG2000 image compression standard that is based on the wavelet transform using two Daubechies wavelets. This standard made the relatively new image decomposition algo...
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NMath Tutorial videos

We are proud to announce a series of NMath tutorial videos on how to use CenterSpace's math library products. We are starting, naturally, with Getting Started with NMath. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DczJpmyE10 You can download it here: MP4 Please let us know which topics you want us to cover. Email support@centerspace.net Cheers, Trevor
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Distribution Fitting Demo

CDF() of fitted distribution
A customer recently asked how to fit a normal (Gaussian) distribution to a vector of experimental data. Here's a demonstration of how to do it. Let's start by creating a data set: 100 values drawn from a normal distribution with known parameters (mean = 0.5, variance = 2.0). int n = 100; double mean = .5; double variance = 2.0; var data = new DoubleVector( n, new RandGenNormal( mean, variance ) )...
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Clearing a vector

A customer recently asked us for the best method to zero out a vector. We decided to run some tests to find out. Here are the five methods we tried followed by performance timing and any drawbacks. The following tests were performed on a DoubleVector of length 10,000,000. 1) Create a new vector. This isn't really clearing out an existing vector but we thought we should include it for complet...
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Initializing NMath

NMath uses Intel's Math Kernel Library (MKL) internally. This code contains native, optimized code to wring out the best performance possible. There is a one-time delay when the appropriate x86 or x64 native code is loaded. This cost can be easily controlled by the developer by using the NMathKernel.Init() method. Please see Initializing NMath for more details. - Trevor
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