VB Cross Tabulation Example

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Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Imports CenterSpace.NMath.Core

Imports System.IO

Namespace CenterSpace.NMath.Examples.VisualBasic

  A .NET example in Visual Basic showing how to use the cross-tabulation functionality of DataFrame.

  As illustrated in the FactorExample, the DataFrame.GetFactor() method can be used
  in conjunction with Subset.GetGroupings() to access "cells" of data based on one
  or two grouping factors. This is such a common operation that class DataFrame also
  provides the Tabulate() methods as a convenience. This method accepts one or two
  grouping columns, a data column, and a delegate to apply to each data column subset.
  The results are returned in a new data frame.
  Module CrossTabulationExample

    Sub Main()

      Read in data from the file. The data show test scores for 18 children on a
      simple reading test. The childs gender ("male" or "female") and grade
      (4, 5, or 6) is also recorded.
      Dim DF As DataFrame = DataFrame.Load("CrossTabulationExample.dat", True, False, ControlChars.Tab, True)


      This code encapsulates the static StatsFunctions.Mean() function in a
      Func(Of IDFColumn, Double) delegate, then displays the average
      test score for each grade:
      Dim Mean As New Func(Of IDFColumn, Double)(AddressOf StatsFunctions.Mean)
      Console.WriteLine(DF.Tabulate("Grade", "Score", Mean))

      The code shows the average test score for every combination of gender and grade:
      Dim Means As DataFrame = DF.Tabulate("Grade", "Gender", "Score", Mean)

      The returned data frame can be easily accessed for individual results:
      Console.WriteLine("Average score for boys in grade 5 = " & Means(5, "male"))
      Console.WriteLine("Average score for grade 5 = " & Means(5, "Overall"))
      Console.WriteLine("Average score for boys = " & Means("Overall", "male"))
      Console.WriteLine("Grand average = " & Means("Overall", "Overall"))

      Most of the static descriptive statistics functions on class StatsFunctions
      accept an IDFColumn and return a double. A few return integers. For example,
      this code encapsulates StatsFunctions.Count(), which returns the number of items
      in a column, in a Func(Of IDFColumn, Int), then displays the number
      of subjects in each cell:
      Dim Count As New Func(Of IDFColumn, Integer)(AddressOf StatsFunctions.Count)
      Console.WriteLine(DF.Tabulate("Grade", "Gender", "Score", Count))

      The delegate the returns a generic object can be especially useful if you want to 
      tabulate a variety of summary statistics all at once: 
      Dim GetSummaryDelegate As New Func(Of IDFColumn, Object)(AddressOf CrossTabulationExample.GetSummary)
      Dim SummaryStats As DataFrame = DF.Tabulate("Grade", "Gender", "Score", GetSummaryDelegate)

      Console.WriteLine("Summary Statistics for Boys in Grade 6")
      Console.WriteLine(SummaryStats(6, "male"))

      Console.WriteLine("Press Enter Key")

    End Sub

    Function GetSummary(ByVal Data As IDFColumn) As Object
      Dim MySummary As Summary = New Summary
      MySummary.N = StatsFunctions.Count(Data)
      MySummary.Mean = StatsFunctions.Mean(Data)
      MySummary.StDev = StatsFunctions.StandardDeviation(Data)
      MySummary.Min = StatsFunctions.MinValue(Data)
      MySummary.Max = StatsFunctions.MaxValue(Data)
      Return MySummary
    End Function

  End Module

  Public Class Summary

    Public N As Integer
    Public Mean As Double
    Public StDev As Double
    Public Min As Double
    Public Max As Double

    Overrides Function ToString() As String
      Dim NL As String = System.Environment.NewLine
      Dim Buff As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
      Buff.Append("Size = " & N & NL)
      Buff.Append("Mean = " & Mean & NL)
      Buff.Append("Standard Deviation = " & StDev & NL)
      Buff.Append("Minimum = " & Min & NL)
      Buff.Append("Maximum = " & Max & NL)
      Return Buff.ToString()
    End Function

  End Class

End Namespace

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