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DualSimplexSolverParams Class

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Dual simplex algorithm parameters.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
[ObsoleteAttribute("No longer needed with new ORTools LP and MIP classes.")]
public class DualSimplexSolverParams : SimplexSolverParamsBase

The DualSimplexSolverParams type exposes the following members.

Public methodDualSimplexSolverParams Constructs a DualSimplexSolverParams object with default values: Costing - Steepest Edge, MaxPivotCount - no limit, Minimize - false.
Public methodDualSimplexSolverParams(DualSimplexCosting) Constructs a DualSimplexSolverParams object with the given costing option and default values for the other parameters: MaxPivotCount - no limit, Minimize - false.
Public methodDualSimplexSolverParams(Int32) Constructs a DualSimplexSolverParams with the given maximum pivot count. The solver will stop and the result will be SolverInterrupted if this maximum is met. The rest of the solver parameters will have their default values: Costing - Steepest Edge, Minimize - false.
Public methodDualSimplexSolverParams(Int32, DualSimplexCosting) Constructs a DualSimplexSolverParams with the given maximum pivot count and costing option. The solver will stop and the result will be SolverInterrupted if this maximum is met. The rest of the solver parameters will have their default values: Minimize - false.
Public propertyCosting Gests and sets the costing (privoting) parameter.
Public propertyMaxPivotCount Gets and sets the maximum number of pivots the simplex algorithm will perform before stopping. If this maximum is met the solver will stop and the result will be SolverInterrupted
(Inherited from SimplexSolverParamsBase)
Public propertyMinimize Set Minimize to true if you want the objective function minimized, set to false to maximize the objective function.
(Inherited from SimplexSolverParamsBase)
See Also